The goal of these topics:
1. To present God as source of HOPE. Psalm 62:5
"Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him."
2. To present Jesus Christ as source of:
– Forgiveness
– Healing
– Deliverance
3. To present the Holy Spirit as the source of power to produce wholeness.
Recommended personal Objectives:
1. To understand ‘WHO GOD IS’
2. To understand ‘WHO I AM’ because of my identity ‘in Christ
3. To recognize (observe as truth), acknowledge (observe and apply to daily living), the function of the Word of God in accomplishing healing. Psalm 107: 19-20
4. To set and work toward individual goals regarding personal healing.
If this study is in group setting these are recommended guidelines for a group:
1. Confidentiality
2. Openness and honesty
3. Consistent participation and attendance
4. Responsibility to group
5. Desire to be a good group member, get help and help others
6. Remember: for the co-leaders (facilitators)
what is shared with one is shared with both.